3 joyful rituals to leap into the NEW YEAR.
Guessing you have had many entertaining, some wonderful, some not so memorable and a few questionable New Years Eve celebrations in your...
3 joyful rituals to leap into the NEW YEAR.
The trigger is not the child....it is you. Conscious parenting (part 2)
Do you hear that voice in your head? "I am only happy, if xyz happens!" Michael A. Singer:
Does it Spark JOY? Why 'Keeping it tidy' is important in your life
PLAY! The easiest portal to Happiness. Be a person who plays.
OMG...I am becoming a coconut!
5 elements of a true, joyful adventure...and the art of listening.
Parenting is so easy...
Goddess of the month (headstand alert)
How to communicate with power and intention
How to make sense of your life. Make looking back easy.
Let me ask you: 'Are you successful?' 6 strategy point to clarity!
3 ingredients to feeling INVINCIBLE
3 ways to boost JOY with your female brain