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Julia Seibold
Dec 6, 20193 min read
5 benefits of Vision Boarding
'Really Julia', you might say! 'Another of those mindful jobs to do? WHY?' Photo: Why do we vision board?...
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Julia Seibold
Aug 1, 20194 min read
The trigger is not the is you. Conscious parenting (part 2)
As a parent we experience an emotional range during one day which is so rich it could easily be enough to fill a whole week. I find this...
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Julia Seibold
Jul 1, 20193 min read
Dreaming it into reality
'A great dream begins with a dreamer'. So the question is not whether you can remember your dreams or not, the question is: Do you allow...
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Julia Seibold
Feb 1, 20193 min read
Does it Spark JOY? Why 'Keeping it tidy' is important in your life
Who...Marie Kondo? Yes, the Tidy-lady from Netflix and best-selling books is influencing the appearance of our wardrobes, closets,...
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Julia Seibold
Jan 7, 20194 min read
sHero! 5 reasons why we are touched by the hero story
Clearly, the odds are against this tree stump. Look at it. Fallen after years of growth. Can you hear the chain-saw rattling and revving,...
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Julia Seibold
Nov 14, 20183 min read
OMG...I am becoming a coconut!
What is going on? Coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut flakes, coconut yogurts, coconut pieces, coconut flakes, coconut...
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Julia Seibold
Nov 9, 20184 min read
5 elements of a true, joyful adventure...and the art of listening.
Does the word adventure tickle you, like it does me? Do you consider your life to be adventurous? Is that something you are bringing into...
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Julia Seibold
Oct 2, 20184 min read
Why does Hypnosis work so powerfully, beautifully and effortlessly?
Sitting in the midst of 10 keen students, some sceptical and some knowing already that HYPNOSIS is working, I find myself learning a new...
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Julia Seibold
Jul 25, 201810 min read
How to communicate with power and intention
Am I right, that you want to have even more joy in your life and spread joy around you? A life with more fulfillment in it? You want to...
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Julia Seibold
Jun 25, 20184 min read
How to make sense of your life. Make looking back easy.
Isn't it fascinating, life unfolds and we don't know what is going to happen. When I go to bed, I assume that the sun will shine the next...
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Julia Seibold
Apr 25, 20187 min read
Let me ask you: 'Are you successful?' 6 strategy point to clarity!
A nice person recently asked me this question: 'Are you successful? You know with your....what is it called? Therapy? Coaching? You know,...
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Julia Seibold
Mar 15, 20184 min read
3 ingredients to feeling INVINCIBLE
Are you having a good day? Or maybe it is one of those when you are not really sure, you feel stressed, little things are just making you...
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Julia Seibold
Dec 13, 20171 min read
Dream BIG
Everything starts with a thought. Our mind creates these thoughts and associates pictures and moving images with them. This is normal and...
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Julia Seibold
Sep 11, 20171 min read
Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself. What are the challenges you are facing at the moment? What have you struggled to face? How did it make you feel...
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